This website serves as a supplement to the 2nd Edition of the textbook Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools (commonly known as the Dragon Book). The new Dragon Book has been available since September 2006. It has been revised in significant ways, to include a treatment of modern code-optimization techniques, garbage-collection, and many features of object-oriented languages. The new cover is pretty cool too. The book can be ordered from the publisher, Addison-Wesley. |
[Courses] [Gradiance] [Errata] [Source code]
Here are some courses that use the Dragon Book as part of their curriculum or have lecture notes and handouts that supplement the contents of the textbook.
Lecture notes from selected courses
Stanford CS143: Compilers
Stanford CS243: Advanced Compiling Techniques, Winter 2008, Prof. Monica Lam
Stanford CS243: Advanced Compiling Techniques, Winter 2006, Wei Li (Intel) Prof. Jeff Ullman
MIT 6.035: Computer Language Engineering, Fall 2005 (OpenCourseWare), Prof. Saman Amarasinghe and Prof. Martin Rinard
Columbia COMS W4115: Programming Languages and Translators, Spring 2008, Prof. Alfred Aho
Columbia COMS W4117: Compilers and Interpreters: Software Verification Tools, Fall 2007, Prof. Alfred Aho
The new edition also comes (in North America, Europe, Africa, and the Middle-East) with a subscription to the Gradiance on-line homework system. This feature allows either tutorial self study by the student (if they enroll in the "omnibus course") or automated class homework with hints to students, should the instructor use the system as a component of the course.
Note to Instructors: You can set up a class using the Gradiance system and assign work to your students. If you want instructor access, send mail to support at gradiance dt com with a copy to matt dt goldstein at aw dt com.
Here is the current Errata List. We welcome reports of errors in the text and acknowledge all valid corrections on the errata sheet. Please send errata to ullman at gmail dt com.
Source code from Appendix A: dragon-front-source.tar
Instructions for compiling the sources in Unix:
tar xf dragon-front-source.tar cd front make
Last modified: 2008-09-28
Page created by Philip J. Guo